The Human Dracula

 Tsutomu Miyazaki, also known as "The Otaku Murderer," was a Japanese serial killer who murdered four young girls between 1988 and 1989. Miyazaki was born in 1962 and grew up in a troubled family environment, with his father being physically abusive and his mother suffering from mental illness.

Miyazaki's crimes were particularly gruesome and involved abduction, rape, and murder. He would stalk his victims, usually girls aged four to seven, and would sometimes take pictures of them before killing them. Miyazaki also mutilated the bodies of his victims and engaged in necrophilia.

Miyazaki was arrested in 1989 and was found to have an extensive collection of horror and violent pornography, as well as evidence of his crimes. He was found guilty of multiple charges, including murder, sexual assault, and corpse mutilation, and was executed by hanging in 2008.

Miyazaki's crimes were shocking and garnered significant media attention, particularly in Japan where they sparked a moral panic about otaku culture, which refers to obsessive fans of anime, manga, and other forms of Japanese popular culture. Miyazaki's own interest in anime and horror films was widely reported and contributed to the negative public perception of Otaku.


Tsutomu Miyazaki, the Otaku Murderer, had a distinct modus operandi when it came to his crimes. He primarily targeted young girls between the ages of four and seven, whom he would abduct from various locations such as parks, playgrounds, and the streets.

Miyazaki would take the girls to his home where he would sexually assault them before murdering them. He often used knives and scissors to mutilate the bodies of his victims and remove body parts, including their hands, which he sometimes kept as souvenirs.

Miyazaki also had a fascination with photography, and he would sometimes take pictures of his victims' bodies after he had killed them. He even sent some of the photos to the families of his victims, adding to the horror and trauma they experienced.

While concluding, after having discussed about so many serial killers across the world, we can definitely say that it is not a cultural thing. Of course, factors such as culture, upbringing does play role in what sort of person you become as we discussed when we were talking about Nature vs Nurture. 

Today, I have a homework for all of you- find out what are three habits you look for in a child in order to determine or predict future sociopathic behavior?


  1. Stealing/Frequent lying
    Cruelty towards animals
    Burning things/pyromania

    1. Hahaha. Excellent. I was counting on you to do your homework. Where would you place lack of remorse?


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